Tuesday, November 20, 2018


I got the results of my bone biopsy today. Guess who has two thumbs and no cancer in her bones!

I truly was braced and already resigned to the worst news on this front. But you know what this means... I can beat this! Let me rephrase that. We can beat this, because without my army of support and hundreds of prayer warriors, I would never be able to do this on my own. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to all of you for your love and prayers.

I've been wearing my tiara this week because, obviously, it's my birthday week. But now I can't stop smiling. It's going to be a happy birthday after all.

Photo from last weekend's family photo shoot.
Credit Brianne Cowan

Wait a minute, so what is wrong with your bones?

Well, I don't know. They biopsied the largest lesion on my sacrum, and they were very careful to get the sample from the affected area. Dr. Krie says maybe they missed, but I doubt it (of course, I slept through the whole thing, what do I know?) I guess some people have benign lesions and they're no big deal. The problem with doing full body scans is that they find all kinds of things that are abnormal in your body, but aren't necessarily dangerous. They will probably keep an eye on them, and I'm sure I'll have to up my calcium intake. I'm not taking up running, that's for sure.

What does this mean as far as treatment?

Now we're back to the harder option. Still the same 12-18 weeks of low-dose chemo starting on Friday, followed by 8 weeks of higher dose chemo every other week, then surgery on the lymph nodes and ovaries removed, then radiation, and some kind of endocrine therapy pill. I should be back up and running by the beginning of fall semester.

That still sucks, but there is an end in sight.


  1. It does suck, bad! I am happy for some good news. You are deeply loved my friend.

  2. So glad the saga continues with great news this time!!

  3. Wonderful news Amy!!!!! 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻

  4. So very thankful Amy! Continuing the prayers!

  5. That is good news Amy. Keep yours spirits up and remember you are not alone.

  6. Love and prayers are with you andthe family
