Well, dang it. I’m losing my hair at a very rapid pace these days. This is the 3rd time I will have gone bald due to cancer treatments, for those keeping score at home. It’s not as traumatic as the first time, and I’m taking it in stride.
My hair started falling out last Thursday. I am shedding like a long-haired cat in the summer heat. Even though I’ve felt like my hair’s been thinner these last few years, I’m losing vast amounts daily, and can’t believe there’s anything left up there!
As a result, my bathroom is covered in my pelt. I’ve decided to rename it Gaston.
Anyway, I made an appointment at the Avera Wig Salon at the Prairie Center right away to order a nice wig with some “maturity” in it, so that when my hair grows back in again (fingers crossed!), it will look roughly the same color. I went in yesterday to try some colors and cuts out. I opted for this combination.
I also decided to visit with the Palliative Care team at the Prairie Center to help manage my pain, and they gave me some drugs: Dilaudid and Ritalin. I was loathe to use either of them because I don’t want to get hooked on anything, but the Dilaudid works well alongside Aleve to keep my aches and pains away, and the Ritalin seems to help my perkiness level.
Yesterday, I visited Dr. Dawn Flickema at the acupuncture clinic (again at the Prairie Center. I basically live there now), and told her my litany of problems. She said for generalized aches and pains, they do acupuncture on the ears and the scalp.
Oh AND, she put acupressure “seeds” in one ear to help stimulate the areas she needled for longer. These metal seeds will stay in for 3-5 days, then just fall out. She only does one ear at a time, so I can still sleep on the other side.
Now, I don’t know if it was the acupuncture, the Ritalin or the wig shopping, but yesterday afternoon after all this, I felt AMAZING! Or maybe normal? I can’t remember what that feels like anymore. But I had energy, I was in a great mood, I EXERCISED (practiced choreography) for a solid hour! I made it through our second dress rehearsal for the show I’m playing for this weekend, AND I slept great to boot.
This morning, I’m continuing to attempt the covering of my scalp.