March 11 Facebook Update:
I had my once-every-three-month PET scan yesterday, and met with my oncologist, Dr. Jones this morning. The results are mostly good. Armpit is clear - whew! That's where it typically comes back and I've been feeling suspicious activity there for the last few weeks. In the past, that has meant an uptick in cancer cells around the damaged lymph node area, but get this: right now it means I've been doing arm workouts (!) and that tissue takes longer to recover than the other side. I've been doing some massage to break up the stuck lymph. Dr. Jones says I'm handling it perfectly.
On the less than perfect side: there is a spot that showed up in my left hip that doubled in size from my last scan. It could be inflammation or arthritis or it could be cancer in the femoral head.
So Dr. Jones said he'd send the report over to radiation, which sounded to me like, "I'm going to have those guys take a look at this and tell me if it's anything to worry about," but then scheduling set me up for a 3 hour appointment next week with radiation! 😳
Jones doesn't seem very worried about it at all. Says they'll probably do a very short radiation series (5-10 daily treatments) and that should zap it and take care of it as well as any other inflammation in that hip.
I'll know more after next Friday's appointment.Hi
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