I had my scan day last Friday, PET, MRI and Echocardiogram. Plus a dentist appointment just for kicks. It was a very full day of laying still and not talking- which I suck at, so I took a lot of naps. I am really good at naps. It's a gift.
The day before that, I had my first targeted chemo only infusion- on a Thursday instead of my usual Friday. That means I had the two HER-2 drugs, Herceptin and Perjeta but no Taxol. I have to say, I noticed a difference on Sunday morning, when I'm usually so tired I can barely function, but I still have to sing in the choir and help lead worship during two different services at church. I don't know whether to attribute that to the Thursday infusion or the dropping of Taxol, or both, but it was a nice change! I didn't even need a 2 hour nap that afternoon!
Today (6 days after the scans), I went in to get the results from my oncologist and find out what's next. I'd be lying if I said I was not nervous. I have had some SERIOUSLY weird dreams this week!
The news was not terrible. The lymph nodes are completely clean, but the bones are still inconclusive. On the PET Scan, they appeared to have healed nicely (indicating cancer that responded to chemo), but on the MRI, there was no change. They are VERY small lesions. My oncologist, Dr. Krie is considering it metastatic bone cancer, but with an asterisk because she hasn't seen biopsied bone cancer cells under a microscope. They are either healed up or too small to biopsy, so we'll just keep an eye on them, I guess.
She is choosing a middle of the road treatment. She is canceling the AC chemo (another round of harder systemic chemo) because in metastatic cancer it has not been proven to work. YAY! I will still have to do the targeted chemo once every 3 weeks forEVER (ever.... ever.... ever....) but they do not have as severe of side effects. My hair will grow back, and my energy will return. Hopefully my eyes will settle down (they're really dry/ watery, and have gotten 4 styes in 6 weeks. Annoying!) Unfortunately, Perjeta the poop drug is one of the forever drugs, but the hope is that fun side effect will get better when Taxol is no longer in the mix.
Dr. Krie wants to do surgery to remove all the lymph nodes in my right armpit, which I don't love, but I'm prepared for. (Remember my cool tattoo sleeve?) She also wants to do an oophorectomy (remove my ovaries) to eliminate all estrogen production from my ovaries. She is cool with waiting until the end of the school year to do these surgeries, but wants me to take a monthly shot called Zoladex to shut them down in the mean time. I will also start a daily aromatase inhibitor called Anastrazole to block estrogen production from my fat cells and adrenal glands. No, really, it's cool. When I picture my ovaries right now, I see Ursula's collection of poor unfortunate souls:
It is possible that after surgery I will have to undergo radiation in my right armpit (lymph node area) and maybe the chest wall (original cancer site). I have made my dislike of this possibility clear. She says we'll discuss it more later- like maybe I can talk her out of it? I'm thinking this is like how I talk Matt into doing things. Just give him time to adjust to my plan since my ideas are brilliant but spontaneity is not really his thing... Anyway, that's to be determined.
The day before that, I had my first targeted chemo only infusion- on a Thursday instead of my usual Friday. That means I had the two HER-2 drugs, Herceptin and Perjeta but no Taxol. I have to say, I noticed a difference on Sunday morning, when I'm usually so tired I can barely function, but I still have to sing in the choir and help lead worship during two different services at church. I don't know whether to attribute that to the Thursday infusion or the dropping of Taxol, or both, but it was a nice change! I didn't even need a 2 hour nap that afternoon!
Today (6 days after the scans), I went in to get the results from my oncologist and find out what's next. I'd be lying if I said I was not nervous. I have had some SERIOUSLY weird dreams this week!
Alright, bring on the news... |
The news was not terrible. The lymph nodes are completely clean, but the bones are still inconclusive. On the PET Scan, they appeared to have healed nicely (indicating cancer that responded to chemo), but on the MRI, there was no change. They are VERY small lesions. My oncologist, Dr. Krie is considering it metastatic bone cancer, but with an asterisk because she hasn't seen biopsied bone cancer cells under a microscope. They are either healed up or too small to biopsy, so we'll just keep an eye on them, I guess.
She is choosing a middle of the road treatment. She is canceling the AC chemo (another round of harder systemic chemo) because in metastatic cancer it has not been proven to work. YAY! I will still have to do the targeted chemo once every 3 weeks forEVER (ever.... ever.... ever....) but they do not have as severe of side effects. My hair will grow back, and my energy will return. Hopefully my eyes will settle down (they're really dry/ watery, and have gotten 4 styes in 6 weeks. Annoying!) Unfortunately, Perjeta the poop drug is one of the forever drugs, but the hope is that fun side effect will get better when Taxol is no longer in the mix.
They should just put this on the label. |
Dr. Krie wants to do surgery to remove all the lymph nodes in my right armpit, which I don't love, but I'm prepared for. (Remember my cool tattoo sleeve?) She also wants to do an oophorectomy (remove my ovaries) to eliminate all estrogen production from my ovaries. She is cool with waiting until the end of the school year to do these surgeries, but wants me to take a monthly shot called Zoladex to shut them down in the mean time. I will also start a daily aromatase inhibitor called Anastrazole to block estrogen production from my fat cells and adrenal glands. No, really, it's cool. When I picture my ovaries right now, I see Ursula's collection of poor unfortunate souls:
They've served their purpose. |
It is possible that after surgery I will have to undergo radiation in my right armpit (lymph node area) and maybe the chest wall (original cancer site). I have made my dislike of this possibility clear. She says we'll discuss it more later- like maybe I can talk her out of it? I'm thinking this is like how I talk Matt into doing things. Just give him time to adjust to my plan since my ideas are brilliant but spontaneity is not really his thing... Anyway, that's to be determined.
She was very positive and said it was all good news. Still no expiration date on this girl, in fact, she said this maintenance regimen can give us "many, many years."
Thank you for everyone's support, prayers, meals, driveway clearing, house cleaning, and ride-giving. Our community of support is amazing.